If you haven’t heard, thinking computers and the tenets of machine learning are fundamentally changing almost every industry. That story is no different when it comes to crunching numbers online.  Google Analytics has just upped the traffic and sales tracking powers they offer with last month’s latest iteration of their heritage data analysis platform, packed full with new AI-powered bells and whistles. Now, Google Analytics can help users better stay on top of surging product demand or better predict future customer actions as well as how much potential revenue they have to offer. Of course, GA has been a foundational business and online analysis tool for decades — and the training in The Google Analytics Master Class Bundle ($34.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) can help even novice users understand why. The package includes five courses that bring out the full potential of all of Google Analytics’ data-driven abilities. Google Analytics for Beginners: Hands-On Training Course gets things started, helping novice users open a Google Analytics account, get familiar with its commands, then load and deep dive into data as they start analyzing real-time, audience, acquisition and behavior reports. The training continues with Google Analytics and Google Analytics Course, helping users focus on gaining deeper insight from their data, setting up Google Ads campaigns, and more practical hands-on training to properly  measure, monitor and analyze web traffic. The learning itself offers a lot of insight, but the coursework in the Google Analytics Certification: Become Certified and Earn More course gives users a full overview of everything they’ll need to know to take and pass the official Google Analytics certification exam on the first try. Finally, if Google Analytics is the standard bearer for web traffic reporting, then Google Data Studio is Analytics 2.0. In Marketing Analytics in Google Data Studio, this course explains how Data Studio can help users craft their own custom dashboards and reports to better dig into all manner of data to find deep hidden truths inside those numbers. Each of these courses represents $199 worth of GA training goodness, but by picking up this full collection now, the complete package is available now for about $7 per course at just $34.99.